Chiropractic adjustment, simply put, is the removal of interference in your nervous system.
When this interference is eased, the nervous system can work in an integrated state allowing for more connection, more healing and greater coherence and expression of spirit, mind and body.
The central nervous system is the storehouse for all the experiences of body, mind and emotions. When stress overwhelms the system, the system can internalize this tension, leading to discomfort, ailments and illness. All of these interferences in the system are referred to as subluxation or subluxation patterns.
Chiropractic care focuses primarily on the central nervous system — the system through which all energy & information comes as feeling and phenomenon.
Chiropractic adjustment sends an impulse/signal through the nervous system, which stimulates the central nervous system, one example of that would be the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain responsible for personality/perception and how you view the world). Getting adjusted can not only clear up physical issues but can essentially open your mind to seeing life in a different way.
The body has an inherent capacity of self-healing & self-regulation as long as no interference (subluxation) is present in the central nervous system.
With a specific chiropractic adjustment the body, mind and spirit can be affected. It is our role to seek out and recognize the pattern of interference in your system. Once identified, we facilitate the adjustment that will best ease the interference (subluxation).
Every single adjustment is a customized touch, adapted to you and your system. We can adjust with subtle, barely perceptible, but still deeply impactful movements. We can also offer adjustments on deep foundational levels in your body. It all depends on your system. No two chiropractors adjust exactly the same way and no adjustment is ever exactly duplicated.
This is the art of chiropractic.
Chiropractors acknowledge a Universal Intelligence or Life Force as the animating power behind all matter, and see life as an expression of this intelligence or life force.
Chiropractic philosophy is vitalistic, stating that all matter possesses an organizational force or intelligence that is vital to its existence. Our work is to facilitate your connection to this vital force within you. We serve your innate ability to integrate, heal and adapt to life as it comes.
Healing comes from the inside-out. We seek to affect causes rather than chasing after symptoms.