

visit our Vitalistic chiropractic pRACTICE in Puerto Rico



Our lives are full of stressors and challenges. Our bodies and minds are a summation of these physical, mental, and emotional stress factors. As we walk through life and adapt to challenges, these stressors can have a profound effect on our nervous system. Chiropractic adjustments support our nervous system, promoting more ease, self-healing, and a thriving expression of our fullest self. 


Infants and Kids: Pediatric Chiropractic

For those interested in child chiropractic, infants, babies and kids can benefit the most from chiropractic. Birth alone can be traumatic to their neuro-muscular-skeletal system and on top of that kids grow and develop at an amazing rate in those first years. Chiropractic care supports an adaptive and resilient nervous system, so your littles can hit those milestones and thrive in the process.

Benefits of child chiropractic

Stronger immune system, better sleep, improved emotional stability, less injuries, natural development, overall wellbeing.

Secondary conditions

Breastfeeding challenges, Colic, Reflux, Torticollis, Constipation, Sensory processing, Recurring sickness, Delayed development, Digestion problems, Autism, ADHD, Plagiocephaly, Weak immune system

Follow the link below for more information and research on child chiropractic:


Prenatal Postnatal Pediatric

Expecting Mothers: Prenatal Chiropractic

Wondering about prenatal chiropractic? During pregnancy, women’s bodies go through a miraculous and beautiful transition. At Elemental we are Webster Certified, which is a technique used by the pregnancy chiropractor focused on balancing mom’s pelvis to ease and assist the transformation during pregnancy.

To learn more about the Webster Technique visit the following links:





At Elemental, we serve the entire family, and in Colorado, that often includes our beloved pets. Veterinary chiropractic can offer profound benefits for our animal friends. As with humans, our animals experience an accumulation of stressors as they go through life by our side. A chiropractic adjustment can lower overall stress, create better gate and movement, improve behavioral and neurological function, as well as nervous system coordination.

Small Animals

(Domestic house animals, such as pet chiropractor) – we are currently taking appointments at our capitol hill office. (Schedule here)

Large Animals

(Ranch and barn animals, such as equine chiropractor and more) –  appointments can be scheduled by text or call.